Home Aurora 4x Resources List

Aurora 4x Resources List

Everything linked here is using the C# edition of Aurora 4x. For other versions see here (doesn’t exist yet).

Want your tutorial (or someone else’s) added? Contact me (7w1) in the Aurora 4x discord or see contributing.




Our very own written tutorial featuring detailed explantory images.

NavalGazing’s written tutorial.


Defran’s noobie starter playlist.

the15minutegamer’s tutorial playlist.

Defran’s conventional start playlist.

Wolfman at Large’s tutorial-ish playthrough.


Defran’s quickfire tutorial playlist.

Defran’s ship design playlist.


While these aren’t tutorials, they often act like them since youtubers need to explain their actions to an audience that knows little about the game.

Defran’s playthroughs (his channel has a bunch of them).

EnterElysium’s playthrough.

Count Cristo’s playthrough.

Quill18’s playthrough (short).

Zhatelier’s playthrough (There’s a few others on his channel aswell).

Korgath223’s playthrough.

MyTurn2Game’s playthrough.

Liquidor’s playthrough.


Great places to ask for help or browse for answers.

Aurora 4x Forums.

Main discord server.

Defran Strategy’s Aurora 4x discord server.

Aurora 4x Reddit.


Aurora 4x C# changelogs.

Aurora 4x C# and vb6 wiki (C# is really just the changelogs formatted).

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Aurora 4x Tutorial Part 2 - Gameplay!

Aurora 4x Tutorial Part 3 - Research and Engines